The public proclamation of the Word of God has always been at the heart of SIBI’s training. In the residential school, students take courses covering the entire Bible, along with various ministry- and Bible-related studies. Gaining this knowledge is important, but it is our conviction that the Word must be lived, preached, and taught. The faculty at SIBI has years of experience in preaching and teaching throughout the United States and in many foreign nations. This wealth of practical knowledge enables the instructors to teach and equip students for successful ministry. The faculty’s experience in ministry adds to the effective training available at SIBI. Studying here affords our students the opportunity to learn the what and the how-to of biblical preaching. Through daily chapel, Sunday preaching opportunities, and interaction with faculty and classmates, students gain additional assistance in their development as spokesmen for God.
Every student in the Biblical Studies program takes Introduction to Homiletics, a beginning course on the principles and practices of preaching, including a survey of the minister and his personal life. Emphasis is given to the study of homiletics, the role of the preacher, and the preparation and delivery of biblical sermons.
Students who choose the Preaching Ministry emphasis take four courses designed especially for ministry in the American context. Each course looks closely into a specific area of ministry.
Students take one practicum in Christian communication each term. The practicums are designed to help students become more aware of the variety of preaching forms and to practice them in several speaking assignments.
Characteristics of leadership are studied, along with the need for leadership in churches, problems confronting leaders, and different perspectives on leadership.
This course examines the tri-dimensional growth patterns found in healthy, dynamic, and growing congregations.
An advanced course in the study and preparation of sermons, including a deeper study of the various types of sermons and the diverse biblical literature. The course is designed to equip the student to preach more effectively and creatively. Major emphases include enhancing communication skills and increasing organizational strategies.
This course examines the work of a minister in a local church setting in the United States. Major emphases include the minister’s work, his interpersonal relationships, his response to ministry stress, and his personal life.
Confident Preaching
Fundamentals of Preaching
Expository Preaching
Topical Preaching
Effective Teaching 1 & 2
Preaching from the Old Testament
Special Events Preaching