Sunset International Bible Institute has one main purpose…
…to prepare people to share God’s Word next door and around the world. This was the original aim of the school and remains at the heart of SIBI to this day.
Begun in 1962 as an effort to train Spanish-speaking preachers, SIBI has grown into a comprehensive program that provides college- and graduate-level instruction and training in various ministry and mission specialties.
A ministry of Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, Texas, SIBI prepares students to effectively serve churches in the United States and around the world. We believe God still wants the Gospel taken to the whole world, and we remain committed to that purpose.
The public proclamation of the Word of God has always been at the heart of SIBI’s training. In the Residential School, students take courses covering the entire Bible and various ministry- and Bible-related studies. Gaining knowledge is important, but it is our conviction that the Word must be lived, preached, and taught.
Our training programs extend from mission experiences to Bachelor of Biblical Studies through Graduate Studies.
In a world inhabited by more than eight billion souls, we believe that the shortest path to world evangelism is the training of able spokesmen of the Word in their own language and culture. Our vision is to accomplish this with ministry training opportunities in every country on earth. Since 1987 Sunset International Studies has been working toward this goal through our Partner Schools, our Solar Mission, and DiscipleTrips.
Not everyone can study in Lubbock, Texas, but many people all around the world want to know the Bible and equip themselves for more effective service in the Kingdom. Using materials supplied by External Studies, approximately 3,000 students around the world are taking SIBI courses for credit. Thousands more are using these materials for personal growth or in congregational settings. With the aid of technology, people can learn about God in virtually any place at any time.
Sunset International Bible Institute exists for one main purpose — to train people of God to do the work of God, wholly to please God.
At SIBI we start each day of the school year with chapel. Beginning at 8:35 a.m. we share in this time of fellowship, worship, and praise. We invite you to join us online and start your day with us!
This is a combined calendar for Residential Studies activities at SIBI. The daily chapel schedule is added at the beginning of each month. We invite you to subscribe using the link provided.