In 1962 SIBI began training men to Preach the Word. As SIBI has grown, it has used various methods to train men and women to spread the Word of God. With more than 40 courses and 128 credit hours, the rigorous two-year program of study and application covers the entire Bible and provides a college-level degree in Biblical Studies. Through its many programs, SIBI prepares students to minister almost anywhere. With AIM (Adventures in Missions) and SeniorAIM (Senior Adventures in Ministry), everyone, young and old, can find their place to serve.
All faculty are former missionaries, church planters, or ministers. The design of SIBI, with multiple programs, distance learning, and 100+ international schools in 40+ nations, allows for a truly global reach.
Sunset International Bible Institute exists for one main purpose — to train people of God to do the work of God, wholly to please God.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20a
I thank God for your interest in Sunset International Bible Institute. The information here is designed to help you discover a path to increased Bible knowledge, to continuing spiritual growth, and to greater ministry effectiveness.
Sunset International Bible Institute has shared the large and functional campus of the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, Texas, for six decades. The school operates under the oversight of the Sunset elders, who serve as its board of directors. SIBI is recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as an educational institution that is authorized to offer religious degrees.
Our Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree is earned by completing 128 credit hours of intensive Bible and ministry studies in two years or an optional extended three-year period. Because of its advanced nature, the program is not recommended for recent high school graduates. We have a specialized course for younger students, which we call the Adventures in Missions (AIM) program.
There are several specialized disciplines in our school. There are focused courses for retired people, the Deaf, and women. Following graduation from the basic ministry training program, students may pursue a six-month advanced missions course in our School of Missions. This course is designed to help equip individuals, families, and teams to engage in effective foreign or domestic mission ministry.
We offer a 36-hour Master of Biblical Studies degree, which is designed for those who are in ministry and cannot leave their place of ministry to continue their education in a residential program. Additionally, we offer two doctoral degree programs — Doctor of Biblical Studies and Doctor of Theology.
A new class of incoming students begins each August. Other start dates in October, January, or March are possible with approval from our Admissions department.
Please contact Tom Coté in Admissions. He is ready to help you fulfill your desire to prepare yourself for a lifetime of ministry involvement.
Tim Burow
External Studies
Residential Studies
Advancement Relations
Advancement Operations
International Studies
Operations Technician
Marketing and Events
Advancement Relations
Church Development
Advancement Operations
Director of SALT
SALT Consultant
“Training Whole Persons to Communicate the Whole Gospel to the Whole World, Wholly to Please God”
We are in the business of training people to serve Jesus Christ, and we believe that the quality of any training depends on the quality of its instructors.
We are committed to developing men and women with spiritual and emotional stability.
We train men and women to effectively share their knowledge and wisdom through preaching, teaching, and example.
Our curriculum is designed to give the student a comprehensive knowledge of the whole counsel of God.
The school has the word international in its name because it is dedicated to the evangelization of the whole world.
We strive to do His will and not our own. To Him be the glory both now and for eternity.
The history of Sunset International Bible Institute is a rich one. It reveals and reminds us of God's blessings over the years while pointing toward a present and future that are full of momentum and promise.
A more complete history of the first 50 years, entitled Preach the Word, was written by Truman Scott and is available through the SIBI Bookstore.
In 1962, returning missionary Cline Paden established a preacher training school in Lubbock with the help of West Texas church leaders. The school was initially named Latin American Bible School, having as its objective the training of Spanish-speaking preachers. The first class started with six students.
The following year the elders of the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock accepted oversight of the school. It was moved into the facilities of the Sunset church and was renamed West Texas Bible School. In 1964 the name was changed again to the now well-known Sunset School of Preaching (SSOP). Instruction was given to both English- and Spanish-language preachers.
By 1969, the student body had swelled to more than 175 students. A number of teachers joined the staff in these early years to help instruct the growing number of students who came to be equipped. They included Ed Wharton, Bill Hatcher, Richard Rogers, Johnny Ramsey, Orlan Miller, Moises Perez, Lionel Cortez, Abe Lincoln, Tex Williams, Parker Henderson, Dayton Keesee, and John Green. In addition, the Sunset church added the East Wing and basement to its facilities to accommodate the growth.
The 1970s saw the school extend its work into additional methods of ministry training. In 1973, the Adventures in Missions (AIM) program was started for college-age young people. Don Solomon became the full-time director of AIM in 1977. The school of preaching began its Extension School department to offer SSOP courses via correspondence in 1974 under the direction of Virgil Yocham.
Later in the decade, the school graduated its first female students. The Deaf Program began in 1977 under the direction of Hollis Maynard. Spanish-speaking training continued, and departments were established for training in Slavic and Chinese languages.
The 1000th student graduated in 1978. A number of new teachers made their first appearances on SSOP staff during the 1970s, including Ted Kell, Richard Baggett, Gerald and Bobbie Paden, Nat Cooper, Jim McGuiggan, Ian Fair, Clarence Eckman, Eloy Garcia, Ted Stewart, Carl James, Ray Cox, Norman Gipson, Doyle Gilliam, John Martinez, Max Zamorano, John Pennisi, and Al Henderson.
By 1980, student enrollment had topped 300 annually. Waning G.I. benefits, however, significantly affected school enrollment during the following years. Students continued to come for training, and new faces on the SSOP faculty included Charles Cook, Bob Anderson, Truman Scott, Jim Stamatis, Truitt Adair, and Charles Speer. In addition, a new library and office addition were built with funds raised by alumni.
During this time God worked to present the school with increasing opportunities in foreign nations. Materials from the SSOP Extension School were used in preacher training schools in places like Canada and Guyana.
In 1984, the school purchased a place for the training of missionaries in the heart of Mexico City – the famed "Pink House." The following year, groups of AIM and SSOP students participated in the first annual student trips to Mexico City.
The faculty continued to change through the years. Armando Alaniz, Hilton Merritt, Bob Anderson, Rex Boyles, Bill Bunting, Mike Strawn, Eloy Guerra, Truman Scott, Curtis Harrison, Jim Stamatis, Phil Grassie, Truitt Adair, Charles Speer, and Edilfonso Rodriguez all came during this decade.
The school's fourth decade was characterized by a flurry of growth and exciting new initiatives. In 1990 the Extension School started translating courses into a number of foreign languages. In 1992 the Small Church Growth Workshop began and a video studio for the school was created. The Senior AIM program was started in 1994, and in 1998 a planned effort commenced to develop international branch schools.
All of this growth in the school brought about several notable organizational changes. In 1993, Cline Paden "passed the torch" to Truitt Adair, who became Director of the school, while Cline took the role of Chancellor. The school's name changed to Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) in 1995 to reflect its growing worldwide involvement in God's kingdom. A reorganization followed in 1998 that structured the school into three divisions: Residential Studies, External Studies, and International Studies.
The school grew in a number of other ways during this decade as well. AIM had its largest class to date in 1993, with 73 students. By 1995 there were 87 women enrolled in various programs. By 1996 the school's library boasted 14,000 "hand-picked" volumes. The school's 2000th graduate walked the stage in 1997. New faculty members during this time included Jay Jarboe, Charles Cook, Stuart Jones, Bobby Hise, Tim Brumfield, Ron Bontrager, Billy Moore, Kris Smith, Terry and Terri Fanning, Bob Jackson, Barry Day, Speedy Hart, Sammy Flanary, Victor Ellison, Rudy Wray, Jason Thornton, and Charles Lindsey.
SIBI launched into the new millennium with as much activity and hope as ever. In 2000, SIBI started the Evening School program and saw total enrollment at international Branch Schools surpass that of our Lubbock campus. The passing of beloved SIBI instructor Richard Rogers that same year served as a reminder of God's blessings and a challenge to press on.
In 2001, the school unveiled a new logo and graduated its 70th class. The following year included the celebration of the school's 40th anniversary and the opening of its first Remote Classroom location in Fall River, MA. In the first half of the decade, several new faculty/staff members were introduced, including Bill and Betty Tracy, Doug Reeves, Dwight Whitsett, Ben Walker, Pat Sheaffer, Gibby Gilbert, Monty Pettyjohn, Chris Swinford, Don Perry, Kevin Haynes, Brad Pruitt, Ray Young, Tim Burow, Paul Dowell, Rebecca Garnett, Arthur Puente, Andrew Deuschle, Ron Kretz, Chris Johnson, Jim Harris, Larry Crosby, Brian Garnett, Dennis Wilson, Mark Lowenstein, C.L. Thomas, Johnny Evans, Cory Burns, Robby Stephens, Matt Glawe, Christian Thompson, Tom Killebrew, Tommy Bailey, Ron Fox, Kerry Williams, James Kinnaird, Brandi Kendall, David Henniger, Tom Cote, Luis Melendez, Jeff Smith, Darrin Bible, and Zane Perkins.
SIBI launched a three-year, 12-million-dollar "Let's Go... Make Disciples" campaign in 2005. The campaign goal was reached and surpassed. Gifts given totaled $13,070,894. Renewed by this support, SIBI continues its tradition of using its past blessings to launch into a future filled with kingdom growth and world evangelism.
2009 marked the first year that SIBI was authorized by the State of Texas to confer religious degrees. Eighty-nine alumni chose to upgrade their existing certificates from Sunset to a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree. Additionally, nine students entered SIBI's Graduate Program with the goal of achieving a Master of Biblical Studies degree. This two-year program is designed to allow a minister to continue his education while staying in ministry wherever he is.
In 2012 Sunset International Bible Institute reached 50 years of ministry training. The school celebrated throughout the year and marked the occasion by setting up a special memorial "Ebenezer" stone in the newly completed Missions Plaza.
In 2019, Tim Burow became the third president of Sunset International Bible Institute. Tim previously served at Sunset as the Dean of International Studies